Carrie Stevens Editoral

Carrie Stevens Playboy Playmate

The first thing to happen is the idea in my head. I have a thought of the shot and how I see it. Then I go about putting it together in my mind and making notes plus some sketches. Once this is done I then move onto how I should take the shot. Maybe thoughts of lighting and background and how my team will go about making all the parts that I might need such as the backdrop & props. I also think of the model that I would like to have in the image.

Once I have it in my mind’s eye & thought it though, I get to work. In this case we started with the background. I wanted to have something like an old painted wall that had the paint coming off it as if it was aged. My guys work out how to do this for me and they started with a canvas backdrop which was rolled (Painted) out in a cream color. They then dropped broken particle board on the top of the painted canvas which was then sprayed with the color (purple). Once this had dried we then swept it off to leave the pattern underneath. The bottom of the backdrop was painted black. The backdrop was hung up under a frame work and a scrim was placed as a roof for soft light to fall over the subject & background.

The costume was made up of a corset and stockings with a group of necklace’s plus a robe to give the model something to play with. The model was Carrie Stevens who not only is a Playboy® Playmate but also an actor. This would be ideal for the shot as I felt I needed a model that could become the part!

Even though I use soft overhead light (Daylight) I still use a fill card to ad splashes of light for a highlight’s. This gave me some shadows to work with not just flat light. It also gave a sense of depth and shaping!

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