About Me
I am Artistic Director & Photographer André Felix, my first recorded photo that I remember taking was in May 1964. Sometime after that I started to take more photograph’s and as I was only nine at the time had to use any camera I could get my hands on. I was always the guy that had a camera when we went on a school outing or just off to the seaside with my family. In high school in the UK, I signed on for a darkroom & photography class where I could find out the basic’s on how to take photograph’s plus develop the film and then make prints of the images. In those days, it was very expensive to have all the photography equipment to develop film and to do it yourself at home. I graduated from Sandown Court Collage England, After that I served an apprentice for three years to study hairdressing and at the same time I became a colorist though L’oral. When I had finished all my three years I gradated and was given the title of Mr. It’s part of the English hairdressing tradition, from then on I was known as Mr. André. I was now working as a hairdresser because my dad did not think that photography was a real job. Some time later My family moved to the USA (1975) to live the American dream. It took the best part of a year to make that happen and we were interviewed many times and had to have a sponsor which was my mother’s brother who was a PGA golf pro in California before we were allowed in the the USA.
One day (Now living in CALIFORNIA) I discovered my sister working in the family bathroom developing film and making prints, I just had to jump in and start doing photography again myself. I had a darkroom built in the garage and went about working on my own photography. I study at Orange Coast College for Photography Art Histories and then went onto work as an assistant with an internship to a well known Photographer & Graphic Designer in Orange County, California. I was still working as a hairdresser with many of my clients being models and when they would come and get their hair done they used to informed me that they could not find any good photographer’s that would take photo’s of them for there portfolio’s. When I found this out I afford to start taking photo’s of them. WOW this was fantastic I get to do their hair and take photographs of them, I now have two jobs and they are each with something to do with girl’s, I love it!
Once I had my photo’s in the model’s portfolios, whoever they would meet (Clients) they would ask “Who was the photographer that shot these fantastic images?” I started to get calls that requested me for many interviews for photography opportunities. I shot for ClothesTime® before they had 100 store and Shirley of Hollywood one of the largest lingerie company’s in the USA. Then one day I got a call from Penthouse® magazine they wanted to see me about shooting for them. I was not that knowledgeable about Penthouse® magazine as I was dating a Playboy® Playmate (Who later became Playmate of the Year) and Playboy® magazine was the only thing I would hear about from my Playmate girlfriend. I had been shooting nudes of some of the models that I had been working with so I had a lot of images to show Penthouse®. With one look at my shots the women at Penthouse® magazine (Yes a women was running the show in LA) she asked if I could start shooting for them, and that was it I was off and running with Penthouse® magazine.

I had the honor to be a guest at Bob Guccione’s (Original owner of Penthouse®) home in New York City, it was an amazing place he had about 30 million dollers of art work just going up his staircase. Not only did I shoot content for his magazine, I photographed the centerfold for the 26th anniversary issue and I also photographed Dita Von Teese the Queen of Burlesque for Penthouse®. Those images of her were published in the US, Germany & Spain issues. As for shooting for Playboy® magazine it was a closed shop so it was not an easy thing to shoot for them, but I have now had my work published in their magazine. I have also test shot many models for them & have also worked with a lot of the Playboy® Playmates on other projects.
During this time, I had been shooting a lot of swimsuit models for postcards and then calendars which had led me into shooting many posters. I had also been seen working with Cindy Margolis on an Entertainment Tonight TV show shooting her 1st solo calendar which got the attention of another TV show Hard Copy. They wanted me to do a show with them about me bring the “King of Pinups” this lead in to doing another contest show for them and some other shows in Canada and Germany.
Artistic Director, Photographer, Web Developer, Videographer, Video Editor.