April Scott – Front door!

April Scott Actor/Model

How did I get these fantastic images of April Scott Actor/Model?

April contacted me about a shoot and we talked about what sort of images we would like to shoot and what was needed. I arranged to be at April’s home in Palm Desert CA. I had not seen her home before so I was going into this shoot blind and would have to think on my feet for what would be the best views around her home for the shots. I had done this sort of shoot before so I was confident in that I could get some great images. I looked around the house, & found that the front door to her home looked fantastic for a backdrop. I think it was the color that was the first thing I spotted then the design. I had a set of clothes that would look good in front of the door and April had a bra that could go with the look we were going for. As we were going to shoot outside in open shade, I needed to bump the exposure up with some sort of fill light but at the same time keep it balanced, I could have done this with a silver reflector but I wanted to have a stronger light that would be constant so I went with my ring-light. You can see in the image of the camera & how I have my rig set up.

The camera is on a rail that can move back and forth to get the right balance as I was going to be hand holding the camera & light. Here is a tip, the ring light will put out a lot of light and you have to adjust the exposure and in doing this you can set it up just right, but if you move in on your subject the light from the strobe will get hotter so it’s best to have a zoom lens on the camera so that you can move in and out on your subject and you don’t have to be worried about your exposure once you have it set. When you are shooting your subject, who is just standing there you need to have them move about and interact with you by posing to show off the outfit or their self with an attitude.

I had April pull on the garment and the top of the stockings. When I got back to my studio, I found some shot’s that I liked and I thought a filter could be used to the image to make the color’s pop even more. Once I had done this, I just added a bit of skin softening and the shot’s looked even better. My settings on the camera were 1/100 sec @ F6.3, ISO 200 as you know today, we have a screen on the back of most camera ‘s so that we can see what we get it’s like having a digital polaroid®.

April Scott - "Front Door”

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