Yvette Nelson Late Afternoon

Yvette Nelson Glam

I received an e-mail from Yvette Nelson about going over and shooting with her for some content for her member website which is not available any more. At that time a lot of model’s in Los Angeles were getting on the internet to start a member’s website. There has been a decline in that sort of website now because there is so many free images of girls that nobody can make any money.

Yvette was living in a great house that we could use as the location for the sets that we were going to shoot that day. It was getting a bit late in the day and the light was about to fade but I thought we could get one last set in & with the light late in the day I know that we are going to get some very warm looking images.

On the back side of her home there was a wooden decking that has a nice chase lounge I could use as a prop for Yvette to pose on. As the light was going down, I had to push my ISO up to 400 and my f stop was set at 4.5 @ 80sec so that I could get the exposure I needed. I could see that some light was peeking though some tree’s which I wanted to use as an accent light and the soft light that was all around would be my main light and as the room of the house behind Yvette were going to be seen, I had my assistant switch on the lights in that room behind for a glow of light inside the house. If I had not had this light on I think it would have looked like a black hole behind her. The light also suggests that someone is home.

Once I had worked out the balanced of my lights which included using the onboard camera flash that fired in compulsory mode that gave me a catch light is Yvette’s eyes, I was off and running and as you can see it all looks fabulous. Yvette did a super job as always with some very soft sexy looks. The best part of working with a real professional model is, you get all the looks and pictures to prove it which look fabulous.

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Yvette Nelson - "Late Afternoon"
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