OnLine Catalog Shoot

Rebecca Mary

I had a call from a company about shooting for their online catalog. I went and checked out their operation and how they would need me to set up for a shoot. They wanted me to shoot all the models on a stage where I would pose them in the outfits. There would be a group of models that would be used for all the clothing (garments). This shoot would take me a good part of one day to shoot all their item’s and a day to get prepared. I gave them some names of models that I had worked with before that I know would be right for their project. I got a deposit for the shoot called all my people about the job and set the date for us to do the shoot. All went well during the shoot and my one assistant made sure all the digital cards were down loaded to my computer. So, we were keeping a track of the shots.

t the end of the shoot I had all my gear packed up and I gave them an invoice for the balance and they informed me that I was not to be paid for 30 days which is not part of my agreement. I let them know that when I had been paid I would releases all the images to them. They had their CEO sign a check to me so I gave them all their images. A day later, I got a call from them that they said there were some images missing. We went back over all the digital cards and my computer & looked for the shots they said were missing, we did not find them & in fact the outfit had not been shot at all as we then remembered them pulling the model off the set with the outfit they were talking about. I offered to come back to shoot that outfit and they informed me that the outfit had been sent back to the manufacture. They went and told all the models that I had lost the images to tarnish my name as they were still using the models that I had recommended for there next shoot’s.

Years later they sent me an e-mail to see if I would shoot for them. My manager contacted them about the job and they wanted me to go and shoot some tests for them to see if I could shoot the job. They were informed that I do not do that. They contacted me direct and asked if I would work without my manager. I refused and went about my work with other clients. Where are they (Company) today? Gone!

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