Irina Voronina for Maxim

Irina Voronina Playboy Playmate

In these shots of Playboy® Playmate Irina Voronina for Maxim online I set up a white backdrop with some silver cards to add some dimension and interest to the shot. The white back drop needed to be white so I had two lights facing the backdrop they would be behind the cards so I would not have any light bouncing back onto the model. You have to keep the lights bright but not to over exposed or you will have some flair that will come back onto the model. I would say the best way is to have them about 1-1/2 stops of light brighter than your front lights.

Now with the cards on each side it made for a nice look of depth in the shots. Just have your model stand between them and then light her up with the use of some front light. You can use a ring light or soft box. I would not use round lights or modifiers as they will show up as a hot spot on the cards. So tall softbox would be the hot ticket or as I said I used a ring light.

A ring light would that not make a hot spot because its in line with the model and she is stopping the light from showing up as I hot reflection. Now the nice thing about the cards is that they will reflect back light to light up the model from behind so you will not see a shadow, the white backdrop also helps with this as well. Working with a Playboy® Playmate Like Irina will help get you your shots quicker or if the model is seasoned professional and has a lot of her own pose’s. If your model is new or has not worked a lot you might need to help her with some poses in front of the cards don’t just let her go off. Before the shoot show the model some images you might have seen of pose’s and even show her yourself what to do. Its about getting your shots so be kind. Tip: have the model put some baby oil on her skin for a nice shine it looks sexy.

Irina Voronina Playboy Playmate Maxim

I used a Canon digital SLR, F9 125sec ISO 100 with a zoom lens 28mm-75mm.

Irina Voronina for "Maxim”
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